Brew On This

Tea brewed from the leaves of Camellia sinensis has been regarded as a key to good health for thousands of years, with the first record of tea-drinking in China dating to the third century A.D. before it became known to western civilization through 16th century traveling Portuguese merchants.
Modern science has borne out early folk wisdom, discovering in tea plants a high volume of antioxidants and vitamins credited with everything from boosting the immune system, reducing cholesterol, slowing down the aging process and combating stress to blocking cancer-causing compounds.
But it’s only with the recent rise of tea culture and tea shops in the West that avid sinensophiles have turned their attention to other medicinal plants that, when brewed into tea, deliver similar health benefits. A few of these ingredients are cultivated in Hawai‘i and before the pandemic were easily available in luxurious blends available at high-end hotels and restaurants.
Those hotels, restaurants, spas and airlines represented the bulk of clientele for Tea Chest Hawaii before the pandemic, but when they closed, individual tea drinkers saved the day. CEO Byron Goo says, “We were fortunate to have a huge uptick in online orders.”
Asking customers for what they wanted revealed that most were in search of blends supporting a healthy immune system, so Goo went to work creating two new organic herbal tea blends, Mana and ‘Olena, both rich with antioxidants, vitamin C and B vitamins.
Mana is a blend of Hawai‘i-grown moringa and mamaki, black tea, organic cinnamon, hibiscus, peppermint and spearmint that’s low in caffeine. ‘Olena is a caffeine-free blend made with organic turmeric, named ‘ōlena in the Hawaiian language, that helps to combat inflammation. The plant’s root gives this tea its beautiful golden color and the compound curcumin in turmeric has been proven to combat inflammation in the body. The tea also contains black pepper, which helps the body’s absorption of curcumin, while ginger and lemongrass add their own antioxidant benefits with a fragrant touch.
Meanwhile, at Olena Cafe, an extension of a family-owned turmeric farm, tea lovers can order single plant teas made from Hawai‘i-grown mamaki leaves, hibiscus flowers and black tea, as well as ‘ōlena root, or a combination of lemongrass and mint.
Tea lovers can also purchase several different brands of island teas at Dean & Deluca at Royal Hawaiian Center, including creative blends by local tea sommelier Brittnee Lau, such as one dubbed “Blue Church Shoes” because of the blue color infused by the butterfly pea flower.
Those who prefer steeping their own teas can seek out the following local ingredients:
Known as “universal medicine” in Ayurvedic medicine, ginger root is a gastrointestinal aid often used to improve stomach and liver function. Travelers recognize it as preventive medicine for nausea, vertigo and motion sickness. It also helps to improve respiratory health and fight colds.
Hibiscus tea is a beautiful deep red, with sweet and tart notes, similar to cranberries. One of the best known benefits of hibiscus tea is its ability to lower blood pressure. Studies have also shown its ability to reduce blood fat levels, a risk factor for heart disease. It may also reduce fat accumulation in the liver.
This native Hawaiian nettle species is considered a miracle herb. The tea has a refreshing, smooth taste and works as an antioxidant to promote healthy cardiovascular functions, lower stress and reduce fatigue. It also has laxative qualities and is also commonly used to reduce allergy symptoms and promote liver health.
The leaves of this tree are highly nutritious, loaded with protein, vitamins, minerals such as iron and calcium, and antioxidants to help protect cells from damage. Like matcha, it’s often sold in powder form to sprinkle onto food or stir in to hot water to make tea that serves as a natural antibiotic. Moringa has anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-parasitic properties, as well as acting as an anti-inflammatory aid with polyphenols and vitamins that promote heart, liver and brain health. It may also prevent cancers from developing.
For 5,000 years, turmeric has been known in Ayurvedic medicine for its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. This golden-colored spice is packed with curcumin and its anti-inflammatory properties are said to rival those found in ibuprofen. Turmeric helps to protect cells and boost immunity, and is credited with everything from aiding digestion to alleviating congestion and promoting joint health. In Ayurvedic medicine, it’s common to blend turmeric root, green tea, ginger, lemon juice and fennel, coriander and cumin seeds to flush out toxins and boost metabolism.
Tea Chest Hawaii tea blends are available at local retailers and online at Each $7.95 package contains 20 teabags. Olena Cafe is at 1631 Kapi‘olani Boulevard. Call 941-9342.
Dean & Deluca is in the Royal Hawaiian Center, Building B, Level 1.