
Mask-wearing has become commonplace in COVID-19-touched communities around the globe, including Hawai‘i.
Masks help protect you and others against the spread of infection, which is great, but the ugly truth is as follows: If your eco-friendly reusable mask isn’t being properly cleaned, and, to top things off, you’re not properly cleansing your pores, despite good intentions, your citizen duty can result in a doozy of complexion complications. Maskne—i.e., acne triggered from wearing a mask for lengthy periods of time—is a real thing, especially in warmer climates. As the interior of our mask becomes humid, this can spark bacterial growth, leading to blemishes, so you have to ensure you’re washing your mask frequently and maintaining a consistent skincare regimen to evade those pesky whiteheads. As we’re avid advocates of mask-wearing and proper hygiene here at HILuxury, we’ve rounded up some goodies to keep you looking your best underneath this now-fashionable fabric. From a line of environmentally-friendly fabric care, to gold-infused face masks and caviar-laced skin products, here are the high-end cleansers and creams to keep your skin looking its finest—even post-pandemic.